
2. Flowcharst and Algorithms to Solve Problems


A flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. There are name and symbols are use to draw flowchart.


Flowcharts for Sequential, Decision-Based and Iterative Processing.

Sequential Processing

The sequential (Sequence) construct means the statements are being executed sequentially. This is the default flow of statements.

Flowchart for add two numbers

Decision-Based Processing

Conditional / Selection logic, also known as decision logic, is used for making decision. It is used for selecting the appropriate path out of two or more alternative paths in the program logic.

flowchart for show pass or failed

Iterative (Looping) Processing

Many jobs that are required to be done with the help of a computer are repetitive of nature. To solve this type of problem we are used iterative processing.

Flowchart for print deepakrajtech.com in 10 times

Terms used in Looping


It is the preparation required before entering a loop.


It is the process where numerical value is added or subtracts to the variables each time on goes round the loop.

Loop Exit Condition

It is the conditional that use to iterative processing.

True - Numbers of times loop running.

False - That time exit from the loop.

How to write a general flowchart ?

Writing a general flowchart involves a systematic representation of a process or algorithm using various symbols and connecting arrows. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a basic flowchart

Exchanging the value of two variables using third variables.

Exchanging the value of two variables using third variables

Exchanging the value of two variables without using third variables.

Flowchart Exchanging the value of two variables without using third variables

Find a largest number between two numbers.

Find a largest number between two numbers

Find a largest number between three numbers.

Check a number positive or negative

Check a number positive or negative

Check a number positive negative or zero

Check a number positive negative or zero

Check a number odd or even

Check a number odd or even

Accept user Id and password to verify successful login or not

Flowchart Accept user Id and password to verify successful login or not

Flowchart to print 1st 10 natural number

Flowchart to print 1st 10 natural number

Flowchart to print a table of a given number

Flowchart to print a table of a given number

Flowchart to print even numbers between 1 to 10

Flowchart to print 1 to 10 even numbers

Flowchart to print Odd numbers between 1 to 10

Flowchart to print sum of 1st 10 natural numbers

Flowchart to print sum of 1st 10 natural numbers

Print sum of 1st 10 Even numbers

Print sum of 1st 10 Even numbers

Print sum of 1st 10 Odd numbers

Print sum of 1st 10 Odd numbers

Flowchart for Decimal base to Binary base Conversion

Flowchart Decimal base to Binary base Conversion

Flowchart for Reversing digits of an integer number

Flowchart for GCD (Greatest common devisor) of two numbers

Flowchart GCD Greatest common devisor of two numbers

Flowchart for Test whether the given number is prime number or not

Flowchart Test whether the given number is prime number or not

Flowchart for Find the factorial of given number

Flowchart Find the factorial of given number

Flowchart for Find the sum of digits of a integer number.

Flowchart for Find the sum of digits of a integer number

Flowchart for Fibonacci sequence

Flowchart Fibonacci sequence

Flowchart for Finding average of random n numbers

Flowchart for Finding average of random n numbers

Flowchart for Checking a given number is palindrome or not

Flowchart Checking a given number is palindrome or not

Flowchart for Checking given string is palindrome or not

Flowchart Checking given string is palindrome or not

Flowchart for Find largest number in a array

Flowchart Find largest number in a array

Flowchart for Reverse the Order of Elements of an Array

Flowchart Reverse the Order of Elements of an Array

Flowchart for Print elements upper triangle of a matrix

Flowchart print upper triangle of matrix
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